• Xi Jinping Conducts Investigation in Qinghai Province: Chinese General Secretary Xi Jinping paid a visit to the northwestern province of Qinghai where he visited the Guoluo Xining Ethnic Middle School and the Hongjue Tibetan Temple, located in the province’s capital, Xining. At the school, he witnessed the local efforts made to improve education in the region brought about by collaborations between western and eastern regions of China. He was informed of the Tibetan Buddhist community’s efforts towards upholding tradition and efforts towards fostering ethnic unity. He interacted with middle-school children, inspected their beds and the cafeteria, addressed a class, and was walking alongside Tibetan monks.

  • China Reacts to Nancy Pelosi’s Visit to Dharamshala: China issued a firm statement committing to “resolute measures” against the United States if it refrains from recognising Tibet’s status as Chinese territory. This statement was made following the US delegation’s visit to Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh, India, the home of the exiled 14th Dalai Lama. The delegation includes US Representative Nancy Pelosi and Representative Michael McCaul and their visit comes following the introduction of a congressional resolution pertaining to Tibet. At the time of the delegations’ visit to Dharamshala, US National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, and US Deputy Secretary of State, Kurt Campbell also visited New Delhi and met with Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. Chinese spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lin Jian, heavily stressed that there would be strong repercussions if the delegation met with the exiled Dalai Lama. The US delegations move is considered provocative by China and analysts believe it could potentially result in outcomes similar to the aftermath of Pelosi’s 2022 visit to Taiwan.

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs Responds to China-EU Human Rights Dialogue:  The spokesperson for China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lin Jian, defended China’s position on human rights in Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Tibet in response to a question from reporters about the recently concluded China-EU Human Rights Dialogue. At the dialogue, the Chinese delegation articulated their standing on human rights and protested the publication of China-related content in the 2023 Annual Report on Human Rights and Democracy in the World. The spokesperson stressed the importance of acknowledging and respecting the fact that matters of Xinjiang, Hong Kong, and Xizang are internal affairs of China and not subject to international scrutiny. Lin Jian emphasised China’s readiness to engage in cooperation and exchange with the EU on matters of human rights on the condition that it would be based on mutual values of equality, understanding, trust, and respect. Further, he iterated that China opposes the politicisation of human rights issues and hypocrisy surrounding the same. Liu Jian also stressed the unacceptability of interference in China’s internal affairs under the pretence of human rights. The spokesperson also relayed China’s hope that the EU will respect these matters and work with China in the same direction by engaging in dialogue rather than pressure tactics.

  • Ministry of Water Resources Responds to Questions on Development of Irrigation Areas: China’s Ministry of Water Resources responded to questions about the Ministry’s contribution to high quality development, in a series of conferences held by the Information Office of the State Council. Chen Mingzhong, Director of the Rural Water Conservancy and Hydropower Department of the Ministry stated the importance of construction and development of large and medium-sized irrigation areas and the Ministry’s commitment to promoting water conservancy for consolidating food security. He further detailed the actions that the Ministry will take to achieve this consolidation and development. He stated that there will be a focus on the improvement of irrigation and drainage systems. Nearly 2,500 large and medium sized irrigations are subject to this development and have received central funding of nearly 200 billion Yuan. The Ministry stated it would prioritise water conservation and strictly regulate the water intake permits, water use and quota management, and promote water-saving transformation of irrigation areas. The Ministry has already made significant progress through the launch of 21 pilot projects and will continue to undertake similar measures. The director also confirmed that the ministry will promote the establishment of digital twin irrigation areas.

  • Advisory Committee Holds Meeting on Construction of Shanghai’s Financial Centre: The Expert Advisory Committee of Shanghai International Financial Centre held a meeting in Shanghai which was presided over by Vice Mayor of Shanghai, Xie Dong. Mayor Gong Zheng, who was also present, discussed Xi Jinping’s blueprint for turning China into a modern financial power and the role of the Shanghai financial centre in contributing to this vision. He emphasised Shanghai’s commitment to the internationalisation of the financial sector, and opening it up to the international community. Through the construction of the Shanghai International Financial Centre, the higher goal of establishing a “first-class international financial centre” would be achieved. The meeting focused on how the Financial Centre would foster international competitiveness, areas of focus for the financial system and what opportunities for financial market cooperation would be generated. Participants also discussed how the Shanghai International Financial Centre could play an influential role in green innovation of the financial sector and contribute towards sustainable development. Some of the many experts at the meeting include the President of the New Development Bank, Nobel Prize winners, CEO of the Hong Kong Exchange and Clearing Group and many others.


  • Pet Matchmaking Trend Goes Viral on Chinese Social Media: Chinese netizens are matchmaking for their pets on Chinese social media, a trend that has gone viral. Reportedly inspired by a Chinese TV dating show, the online event, “If You Are The Cute One” occurs every year. Young adults, who are noted to be the primary participants, post ads on social media platforms to set up a date for their pets. This trend is particularly popular on Chinese social media site, Xianyu. Nearly three million users of this platform make use of it to find matches for their pets. Owing to this, the platform has gone so far as to create a separate, “Pet Matchmaking Corner” on its site. Pet profiles made by the owners are a source of much entertainment, especially on other Chinese social media platforms. The profiles often anthropomorphise the pets in describing their characteristics. One pet, for example, was described as, “adorably silly and honest”, while another was described to have “just turned two” and as being “successful in his career.” Netizens speculated with much amusement that this trend is the younger generations bid to gain some relief from the constant pressure from their parents to get married.


  • CCTV Refers to Indian Media Article to Claim Potential CIA Plot to Create Nation in North-East India: China Central Television (CCTV), citing an article written by the Goa Chronicle, claims that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is planning to establish a country in Bangladesh, Myanmar, and northeastern India. Furthermore, the article contends that the CIA has secretly been laying the groundwork for this for many years. It claims that the CIA has been engaged in various activities in India and Bangladesh which have contributed to escalating religious tensions in the region. For instance, the article takes up the example of violent religious conflict that occurred in Manipur in 2023 and disinformation campaigns conducted by media groups as evidence of the CIA’s involvement. The article’s investigation is based on analysis of social media bot accounts that spread misinformation within and about the region. Additionally, the CCTV article highlights the role of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) in promoting the idea of a religious state within the region. The article concludes that the CIA’s plan is to gain greater influence in the South Asian region and destabilise India by instigating rebellion. 

Prepared By

Akshata is an undergraduate student majoring in International Studies at FLAME University. Her primary interests lie in research and cultural perspectives in politics.

CiCM 18th June 2024

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