• Central cyberspace administration announces special one-month long action plan, increasing regulation. China's Central Cyberspace Administration has initiated a one-month nationwide "clear and network rectification" action. This campaign targets key online platforms, focusing on seven types of prominent issues: malicious online behavior such as personal attacks and abuse, spreading rumors during social events, stigmatizing specific groups, vulgar live broadcasting, organized online abuse, creating offensive online slang, and inciting extreme emotions. The action involves severe punishment for illegal accounts, groups, and platforms, including banning problematic accounts and groups, investigating illegal function settings, and enforcing strict measures against non-compliant platforms. The initiative emphasizes improving website management and content, with a focus on fostering a healthy online environment.

  • Argentina welcomes 1st Chinese Light Rail Train: Argentina received its first Chinese-made new-energy light rail train, a lithium-ion battery-powered vehicle, from CRRC Tangshan Co. This delivery marks the introduction of such trains in Argentina and will serve at the World Heritage site, Quebrada de Humahuaca. The project, signed in May last year, culminated with the train's completion in June and includes ongoing preparation work for its operation. CRRC Tangshan Co, the producer of the train is a major Chinese high-speed train manufacturer in China's Hebei province.

  • Tibetans, Uyghurs and Cantonese autonomy supporters protest amidst Xi-Biden talks: Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to the US was met with a "tsunami" of protests in San Francisco, uniting dissidents from various backgrounds, including Hong Kongers, Tibetans, Uyghurs, and Cantonese autonomy supporters. The protesters, many facing threats of repercussions, expressed their grievances against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Activist’s proclamations consisted of phrases like “we will keep going to ensure that the international community knows the true nature of Xi Jinping.” while referring to Hong Kong.  Clashes with pro-Beijing supporters also resulted in minor injuries.

  • Chinese scientists develop canine model for autism spectrum research: Chinese researchers have created the world's first dog model for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Using CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing, they mutated the SHANK3 gene, commonly defective in autism patients, in beagles. Zhang Yongqing, leading the team, stated, that the new model opened a new avenue for mechanistic studies of brain diseases. This breakthrough offers a new avenue for autism research, with dogs' social behaviors and human-like drug metabolism providing a promising alternative to existing animal models.

  • Xi Jinping: “China's Pacific Island Relations Candid and Unselfish”: Chinese President Xi Jinping, during a meeting with Fijian Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka in San Francisco on 16th, emphasized the nature of China's relationships with Pacific island countries. Xi stated, that Chinese relations with Pacific Island countries are “without selfish motives or targeting any third party”. Highlighting China's respect for the sovereignty and independence of these nations, emphasizing mutual assistance and cooperation within the South framework.

  • Beijing’s Fentanyl Warning, Washington Lifts Sanctions | US-China Talks Advance Counter-Narcotics Cooperation. Beijing warned Chinese companies against selling equipment and precursors for fentanyl production, while Washington lifted sanctions on a Chinese lab to enhance narcotics control measures. The measures make it difficult for companies and individuals involved in the production, import and export of controlled substances in the US to receive orders from the United States and Mexico. The move followed discussions between President Xi Jinping and Joe Biden in California. The US National Security Council communicated that the leaders have agreed to facilitate law enforcement official’s expansion of counter-narcotics operations.  This bilateral effort addresses the illicit flow of precursor chemicals for fentanyl production, a key issue in US-China relations.


  • Xi and Biden’s Diplomatic Car Exchange: A symbol of changing US-China Dynamics:  In the aftermath of the high-profile meeting between President Xi Jinping of China and President Joe Biden of the United States in California on November 15, a seemingly minor yet symbolically significant moment caught the attention of millions on social media. This moment centered around Biden's admiration for Xi's Hongqi car, a gesture that sparked over 300 million views on Weibo, China's popular social media platform. The interaction occurred as Biden accompanied Xi to his car after their meeting. Biden's comment, "It's a beautiful vehicle," in reference to the Hongqi, a vehicle that holds deep significance in China as a symbol of national pride and self-reliance, was not just a mere compliment. Xi's response, "It's a Hongqi car, made in China," underscored the vehicle's origin and importance. Biden’s comparison of the Hongqi to his own American Cadillac "beast" added further context to this diplomatic exchange. The Hongqi, which translates to 'red flag,' is not just any car; it's the first limousine independently produced in China in 1958 by FAW Group under Chairman Mao Zedong's guidance. The Chinese media amplified this moment, framing it as a testament to friendly relations between the two countries and a triumph for Chinese manufacturing. The significance of this moment is also attested by one user, who proclaimed “it’s America’s turn to admire China’s infrastructure, Chinese manufacturing, and especially the Chinese automotive industry (..) Our current power has earned us equality, respect, and admiration from the U.S. and the West. It’s such a happy moment”. The portrayal aligns with the recent shift in China's official narratives regarding the U.S. The positive reaction to Biden's remarks on social media in China was also a nod to the country's growing confidence and stature on the global stage.


  • The geopolitical dynamics in the Pacific region have become increasingly prominent, with major powers like China and India intensifying their engagements with Pacific island countries. Chinese President Xi Jinping's recent meeting with Fijian Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka in San Francisco highlights China's growing interest and strategic presence in the Pacific region. President Xi Jinping's assertion that "China has developed relations with Pacific Island countries in a candid manner without selfish motives or targeting any third party," reflects China's expanding influence in the Pacific. This is crucial for India as it navigates its role in the Indo-Pacific region amid a growing Chinese presence. For China, the Pacific islands represent not only economic opportunities but also strategic depth in terms of maritime security and influence. China's approach has largely been through infrastructure investment, economic aid, and diplomatic efforts to align these countries with its own geopolitical interests, often as part of the broader Belt and Road Initiative. India, on the other hand, has historically had a more subdued presence in the Pacific. However, in recent years, India has recognized the strategic importance of this region, particularly in the context of its Indo-Pacific strategy. India has conducted several high-level visits and interactions with Pacific island nations, emphasizing its vision of 'SAGAR' (Security and Growth for All in the Region). Looking ahead, India may need to intensify its engagement in the Pacific region to counterbalance China's growing influence. This could involve increased economic investment, stronger diplomatic ties, and a more significant role in regional security architecture. Perhaps even collaborating with like-minded partners such as Australia, Japan, and the United States under the Quad framework (adhering to the SAGAR vision). While both China and India recognize the strategic importance of Pacific island countries, their approaches differ significantly. As the geopolitical importance of the Pacific islands grows, the engagement strategies of these Asian giants will likely evolve, shaping the regional balance of power.

Prepared By

Krisha Trivedi is a student of International Studies and Business Analytics at FLAME University. Her active involvement in risk analysis is supplemented with her corporate experience in asset and fund management. She is also involved in research projects relating to economic policies, international law and geopolitics. In addition, her skillset includes proficiency in Programming languages, Japanese, French and German.

CiCM 16th November 2023

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